Surf to School
Last week the Surf to School lifeguards came to school to talk to Team 10 about keeping safe at the beach and safe in the sun.
Team 10 learnt about the jobs of the lifeguards, how to recognise them on the beach, how to stay safe around water and how to be sunsmart.
Here's Louie getting ready to perform a rescueLouie is about to rescue Inez who has got caught in a rip
The lifeguards showed us their 'mini' IRB ... Can you remember what IRB stands for?
The rescue tube that is attached around a person's body when they are being rescued.
Cooper is showing us where to swim safely.
Have a great summer at the beach, remember the beach safety rules and be sunsmart !!
Lifeguards do a great job. I wonder how many of you will be life guards when you are older?